State Rig Report Available
You may have seen our recent announcement about our new Rig Report. Well, in addition to the US rig report, we have also added a break down by state....
You need data. You need mapping. You need tools to analyze that data. Now you can do everything in a single, easy to use platform.
Perfect for users who need access to basic well level data. If you're only interested in a few wells and currently use state sites, this plan is for you.
The industry didn't start with unconventionals and neither does our data. We cover the full historical dataset across every producing state and province. Don't settle for inferior data, check out our coverage for any state or province you're interested in.
We are happy to announce our new Rig Report. See everything you need to know about the current rig count in one easy to read report. Check it out and be sure to let us know what you think.
-The WellDatabase Team
WellDatabase Rig Report (7/27/2018)
WellDatabase Rig Report (8/03/2018)
You may have seen our recent announcement about our new Rig Report. Well, in addition to the US rig report, we have also added a break down by state....
We’re proud to announce our partnership with Royalty Advocate.
WellDatabase and NuTech Energy Alliance, LTD are proud to announce the allignment of their platforms to combine the best interpreted subsurface...